The Oslo Detectives
The Oslo Detectives is a series of Crime fiction, written by Kjell Ola Dahl and published by Orenda Books.
Kjell Ola Dahl published his first novel in 1993. The book's title is Dødens Investeringer – English title is Lethal Investments – novel number one in the series Oslo Detectives.
This series of crime fiction – about the cult character Chief Inspector Gunnarstranda is translated into a number of languages. The series is published all over Europe, USA and Russia.
Did you know?
That there is a playlist to Sister on spotify?
Kjell Ola Dahl published his first novel in 1993. The book's title is Dødens Investeringer – English title is Lethal Investments – novel number one in the series Oslo Detectives.
This series of crime fiction – about the cult character Chief Inspector Gunnarstranda is translated into a number of languages. The series is published all over Europe, USA and Russia.
Did you know?
That there is a playlist to Sister on spotify?
Latest news:
Book #4 in the series : ''Little Drummer' is published 12th of May 2022.
Little Drummer is translated dy Don Bartlett.
Little Drummer was first published in Norway in 2003.
I am happy Orendabooks now publish Little Drummer. I have been missing it in the English series - Kjell Ola Dahl
Little Drummer is translated dy Don Bartlett.
Little Drummer was first published in Norway in 2003.
I am happy Orendabooks now publish Little Drummer. I have been missing it in the English series - Kjell Ola Dahl